



I have a pretty standard contact form that uses a cfc for processing now. I want to use .post for users that have javascript turned on. I've created an array with jQuery of the form elements and I want to pass that to the same CFC (without modifying the CFC) but I'm not certain how to do it. Basically, I want to pass something called 'formData' as an argument to the CFC (as I do with just the basic server side code), and then parse it in the CFC. Right now I'm just using a cfdump in the cfc (which works fine with a non-java submit) but it doesn't work with this set-up. Any ideas?

Here's my jQuery

$('#theForm').submit(function(e) {

    var formData = {};
    $('form [name]').each(function(){
        formData[] = this.value;
           {'formData': formData}

And my CFC

<cffunction name="collectdata" access="remote" output="false" returntype="void">
  <cfargument name="formData" type="struct" required="yes">
  <cfdump var="#formData#">
+1  A: 

This is another one of those times when I wish that I had a server at my fingertimes 24/7...

Looking closer at your CFC, it lookds like you are requiring formData to be a struct. However, IIRC, JSON is considered a string, and you'll have to deserialize it manually.

Try changing the type to string, or removing it altogether.

Edit: Looks like sends a standard http post, not an AJAX/webservice call. So, the contents will get put into the form scope, if I'm understanding all of the scattered docs correctly.

Ben Doom
I removed the type="" and still no go. The error is claiming that the parameter "FORMDATA" isn't being passed into the function. Am I unable to just pass in the formData variable (array) as a whole unit and then parse it in the cfc?
Thanks. I did end up deserializing it manually because ti was a short form. Took a while but I think it'll give me a little stronger security since I'm verifying every argument to the CFC.

Prepare your javascript array by serializing it to JSON. An easy and rigorous way to do this is with Crockford's json2js. So you'd have:

<script src="json2.js"></script>

...and then:

var your_params = [ 'this','that','theother' ]; // your js array
var s_params = JSON.stringify( your_params ); // now as json

...and then in your .post():

{'formData': s_params}

Set your cfc to receive an argument of type string (or any). In the cfc, use deserializeJson() on the incoming argument:

<cffunction name="collectdata" output="false" access="remote" returntype="void">
  <cfargument name="formData" type="string" required="yes">
  <cfset var result = deserializejson(arguments.formData)><!--- make a CF array --->
  <cfset var foo = isArray(result)> <!--- TRUE! --->
  <!--- ... etc ... --->

So you've taken a javascript array, serialized it to JSON, sent it to your cfc which received it as a string, then deserialized it to a "native" CF array. The same thing will work for transporting js objects/structs between javascript and CF respectively (as opposed to the simple array in this example).

Ken Redler