



We had an discussion with an analyst today about log management systems that deal with how unknown data sources. We just announced new technology that will allow to ingest, process and understand ANY type of data that can come to our log management system. (Full Disclosure: I work for LogLogic.) It was the conjecture of the analyst that may of the other vendors do this, but we think its unique.

So the question: Are we wrong? If you are a log management customer, how is the system installed on your site set up to do nontraditional types of data?>

By non traditional types, I do not mean files, database or non-syslog. I mean non-IT types of data, like SCADA for things like SmartMeter/SmartGrid, colecting and storing CDR data from telcos.

This is a question directed at folks using ArcSight, Q1 Labs, or RSA enVision.

Any input would be valuable.