




I have a raw audio file captured from a camera in the format u-law mono 8KHZ (no wav headers). The problem I am having is that when I try to play back the file, I just seem to get bad noise. I have plugged the raw audio through a program called goldwave, and it is able to playback the file perfectly. I am sure I am just missing something simple.

I have been trying to use the waveout functions but with no luck. Do I need to decode the data from u-law first before trying to push it through the waveout functions?


Yes. The waveout functions expect uncompressed audio and that's not what you have.

But ulaw is almost PCM and that's very easy to decode. A quick search led me to C source for the algorithm so it's definitely available, but I couldn't find pascal/delphi source easily. http://www.programmersheaven.com/download/3826/download.aspx is the C version. It looks as though translating that would be easy enough.

+1  A: 

If you're just using the waveOut functions in the Windows API, the third parameter to waveOutOpen is a pointer to a WAVEFORMATEX structure:

MMRESULT waveOutOpen(
    LPHWAVEOUT phwo,
    UINT_PTR uDeviceID,
    DWORD_PTR dwCallback,
    DWORD_PTR dwCallbackInstance,
    DWORD fdwOpen

A WAVEFORMATEX structure lets you specify the format, and Windows should be able to do u-Law without you needing to install anything.

typedef struct {
  WORD  wFormatTag;
  WORD  nChannels;
  DWORD nSamplesPerSec;
  DWORD nAvgBytesPerSec;
  WORD  nBlockAlign;
  WORD  wBitsPerSample;
  WORD  cbSize;

Set wFormatTag to WAVE_FORMAT_MULAW, or 0x0007. Be sure you fill out the other parameters correctly for 1 channel with 8000 samples/sec and 8 bits/sample.

If that fails, please post the code where you open the audio device and play the file. Or here's a delphi implementation of u-Law decoding to linear PCM (ulawDecode) so you can decode it yourself:


Thanks for pointing that out. I finally got it to play correctly. The main issue was that I was told that it was u-law 16 bit, but in fact it was u-law 8-bit. Once I put that in place as you mentioned here it worked fine.