



I am interested in enabling code folding in vim for python coding.

I have noticed multiple ways to do so.

Does anyone have a preferred way to do python code folding in vim?

  • do you have a particular vim plugin that you use and like?
  • do you use manual folding or do you place markers in comments?
  • any other recommended ways to do code folding for python in vim?
+2  A: 

To be honest folding is one of the vim features I haven't quite used. I tend to use split panes alot more, you can access them with




And move around them with


By default the split pane contains the same buffer that is currently in focus, but you can also open another buffer in it:

:split otherbuffer

I usually open two panes for the same file when I'm working on different sections of it, so I effectively use that in lieu of folding.

I realize this answer is slightly offtopic, but I thought you might find the tip on split panes useful.

+3  A: 

Python is well suited for folding on indent, bit for writing my own code I use markers as they can crunch a document down the way you want it and can serve as a kind of a table of contents. I have this in my vimrc to flip between the two when I'm viewing someone elses code.

#Toggle fold methods \fo
let g:FoldMethod = 0
map <leader>fo :call ToggleFold()<cr>
fun! ToggleFold()
    if g:FoldMethod == 0
        exe 'set foldmethod=indent'
        let g:FoldMethod = 1
        exe 'set foldmethod=marker'
        let g:FoldMethod = 0
#Add markers (trigger on class Foo line)
nnoremap ,f2 ^wywO#<c-r>0 {{{2<esc>
nnoremap ,f3 ^wywO#<c-r>0 {{{3<esc> 
nnoremap ,f4 ^wywO#<c-r>0 {{{4<esc>
nnoremap ,f1 ^wywO#<c-r>0 {{{1<esc>
+2  A: 

I really like this this plugin.

Nick Presta
Unfortunately, this plugin uses more processor time than I would prefer (even with the a version) as I like to keep my vim speedy. Any other suggestions?
Paul D. Eden
+1  A: 

Try this plugin:

+8  A: 

Personally I can't convince myself to litter my code with the markers. I've become pretty used to (and efficient) at using indent-folding. Together with my mapping of space bar (see below) to open/close folds and the zR and zM commands, I'm right at home. Perfect for Python!

nnoremap <space> za

vnoremap <space> zf

:set foldmethod=indent first. I was googling for just this and stumbled upon your answer, very nice! :)
+1  A: 

I use this syntax file for Python. It sets the folding method to syntax and folds all classes and functions, but nothing else.


The Python source comes with a vim syntax plugin along with a custom vimrc file. Check the python FAQ on vim


I wrote my own python ftplugin --

It could be slow as it uses 'expr' foldmethod which is slow by default.

Maxim Kim

I think that indent folding is fine for python. I'm making a multi-branched git repo for vim-config python/django IDE ideas. Fork away!
