



Let's say I have the following data in a decimal (18,9) identity column in a database table:


I want to write a SQL query that returns only those records that have .230000000 for the right side of the decimal place, such that only the following are returned:


I know I could do this by converting it to a string a doing a string comparison, but is there a better way that doesn't involve string comparison and is more efficient at handling numeric values?

Based on Martin's answer, I think the best solution to use is like so:

Abs(ID - Cast(ID As int))

I added the Abs() function to work with negative numbers.

I ran the following tests to make sure I wasn't getting wierd rounding errors:

Declare @ID decimal(18,9)

Set @ID = 1000.000000000
Select @ID, Abs(@ID - Cast(@ID As int))
-- Returns: 1000.000000000  0.000000000

Set @ID = -1000.000000000
Select @ID, Abs(@ID - Cast(@ID As int))
-- Returns: -1000.000000000 0.000000000

Set @ID = 1000.000000001
Select @ID, Abs(@ID - Cast(@ID As int))
-- Returns: 1000.000000001  0.000000001

Set @ID = -1000.000000001
Select @ID, Abs(@ID - Cast(@ID As int))
-- Returns: -1000.000000001 0.000000001

Set @ID = 1000.999999999
Select @ID, Abs(@ID - Cast(@ID As int))
-- Returns: 1000.999999999  0.999999999

Set @ID = -1000.999999999
Select @ID, Abs(@ID - Cast(@ID As int))
-- Returns: -1000.999999999 0.999999999
+2  A: 
    [ID] - ROUND([ID], 0) = .23


Kent Boogaart
Thanks for the idea. Is there a reason you are using `Round` versus another method? I've gotten burned by `Round` in other languages/platforms where it didn't behave exactly as I expected.
Ben McCormack
In the past I've used casts, but that just completely slipped my mind whilst answering ;)
Kent Boogaart
+2  A: 

Can you create a persisted computed column

id - cast(id as int)

So you can then index it?

Martin Smith
Thanks for the suggestion. Is there a a reason you prefer `cast` as `int` versus `Round`? I'm always scared by implicit rounding when casting. Also, good suggestion on computed column, but I'm not going to be able to add columns to this table.
Ben McCormack
@Ben - I cast as `int` as I wasn't sure if you would be dealing with decimal values >0.5 that would then get rounded up rather than down. `select 3.7 - ROUND(3.7, 0)` gives `-0.3` for example.
Martin Smith
@Martin Ok. I suppose my main concern is that I need to be able to trust that `cast` as `int` always returns the integral portion of a number by simply dropping the decimal values.
Ben McCormack
Yes that is how it works. Try `select cast(0.99999 as int), cast(1.9999 as int), cast(-.99999 as int), cast(-1.9999 as int)`
Martin Smith
@Martin that worked perfectly. I added the `Abs()` function to work with negative numbers (though I don't anticipate needing that with my ID column). I've also updated my question with some tests that prove what you were saying. Much thanks!
Ben McCormack

How about this?

FROM MyTable
WHERE MyCol - ROUND(MyCol, 0) = .23