



I'm trying to follow Bob Andrews css styling for a sticky footer, what I'm trying to do is place the silverlight control (the <object> tag) in the main content area with it's size filling all the available space. If you take a look at Bob's demo page, what I'm after is the silverlight control occupying all the yellow part.

What I suspect I'll need to do is set the hight of the object in jquery/javascript as the browser resizes, but at that point I'm stumped. Is it possible to do this without jquery, or if not then how?

+1  A: 

By using pure CSS, I think you cannot do that.

As a DOM element, I think the following works using jQuery.

$(window).resize(function() {
    $('#yourobjectid').height($(window).height() - hoffset );
    $('#yourobjectid').width($(window).width() - woffset );