I tried to modify the mini_c example of boost::spirit to match to my existing vocabulary.
I therefore added a operator "NOT that should behave equal as "!":
unary_expr =
| ("NOT" > primary_expr [op(op_not)]) // This does not work
| ('!' > primary_expr [op(op_not)])
| ('-' > primary_expr [op(op_neg)])
| ('+' > primary_expr)
I can compile the modified source code, but when i try to execute it it fails to parse. How can i solve this?
EDIT: As my want to access external variables, i had made another modification in order to build a list of these variables when compiling:
identifier %=
raw[lexeme[alpha >> *(alnum | '§' | '_' | '.' | '-' )]]
variable =
identifier [add_var(_1)]
Where add_var and identifier are defined as
rule<Iterator, std::string(), white_space> identifier;
function<var_adder> add_var;
If i don't use this modification, "NOT" can be used. With the modification, using "NOT" generates a parsing error.