I have a weird issue happening with an midform.
The MDIform has a toolstrip with 3 buttons, each button is linked to an mdichild so when clicked it shows (bringtofront).
The first mdichild is a form with the mdiparent set, the other mdichild is dynamically created.
Now, it all works fine so when clicking the toolstrip buttons it correctly brings the appropriate mdichild to the front and sends the other to the back, however the issue is if the dynamic mdichild form is the currently visible one, I minimize the application, then restore the application and click the other button it doesn't send the other mdichild to the front. Nothing happens, no errors.
The other weird thing is if I click the the button for the other mdichild (nothing happens), then resize the mdiparent the form is all of a sudden visible.
Does anyone know what might be happening here?