



Is it possible to use the NAudio on a silverlight application? I just can't add the dll to my project... I'd like to build a little audio mixer.

I already searched on google but i can't find a way to do that...

someone has some hints for it???

+2  A: 

NAudio uses tons of interop into Win32 functions that would be completely impossible to run in Silverlight.


If you are looking for an MP3 player for Silverlight you may check out the Silverlight Audio Player.

Darin Dimitrov
any hint on how can I manipulate music files to speed them up and stuff live on silverlight?
@Killercode, please be more specific: what music formats you would like to support, what does *speed them up* and *stuff live* means, what exactly you would like to do with them? Remember that the more information you provide, the better answers you will get.
Darin Dimitrov
I would like to change the tempo of the music to make it run faster... also I would like to support mp3, live is doing it at the moment of the playback