example if i have
follow table
company one ( cid = 1 ) following two ( cid = 2 )
company one ( cid = 1 ) following three( cid = 3 )
feeds table
company one ( cid = 1 ) type 'product' description 'hello ive updated a product';
company two ( cid = 2 ) type 'product' description 'hello ive updated a product im from company 2';
company three ( cid = 3 ) type 'shoutout' description 'hello ive i got a shoutout im company 3';
company one ( cid = 1 ) type 'product' description 'hello ive updated my second product';
how do i get all the feeds.description from the company that my company ( example here is cid = 1 ) ?
heres my simple pdo sql to get just mine.
$data['feeds']['cid'] = 1;
return $this->db->fetchAll("SELECT feeds.type, feeds.$type, feeds.cid, feeds.time, companies.name FROM feeds, companies WHERE
feeds.cid = :cid AND companies.cid = :cid ORDER BY feeds.fid DESC LIMIT 0, 5", $data['feeds']);
this will display
hello ive updated a product
hello ive updated my second product
maybe something like this ? ( fail )
$data['feeds']['cid'] = 1,2,3;
return $this->db->fetchAll("SELECT feeds.type, feeds.$type, feeds.cid, feeds.time, companies.name FROM feeds, companies WHERE
feeds.cid = :cid AND companies.cid = :cid ORDER BY feeds.fid DESC LIMIT 0, 5", $data['feeds']);
this should be displaying like
hello ive updated a product
hello ive updated a product im from company 2
hello ive i got a shoutout im company 3
hello ive updated my second product
or simpler get feeds.description from each follow.following ( cid = 1,2,3,etc ) from me. ( cid = 1) or if twitter get all my friends status ( friends that i follow )
some good guys at irc mysql said to use joins. but i just dont get it. what i get is this
fetch all the follow.following from cid = me ( example cid = 1 )
SELECT * FROM feeds WHERE feeds.cid = IN (2,3,cid that im following ( see follow.following ))
anyone can give me an example for joins in this problem ?