



Is there anyway to force a constraints for a generic definition to implement a "generic interface" ... that is, I want the class to support passing an interface and a generic class constraining it so that the class implements the interface. For example if I say:

MyGenericClass<IMyInterface, MyImplementation>.DoSomething();

That should be constrained so that MyImplementation implements IMyInterface

As far as I know that can be achieved by

public class Dynamic_Loader<T, S> where S: T

Now, is there anyway to also force T to be an interface?

Edit: The purpose of this was to have something like:

private static List<T> interfaceList = new List<T>();

public static List<T> InterfaceList {get { return interfaceList;}}

public static void Add(S input) { interfaceList.Add(input);}

and have the list restricted to only interfaces (since it is supposed to return implementations of certain interfaces)

+1  A: 
where T: IMyOtherInterfaceForT


    public class Test<T, V>
    where T : V
    where V : IEnumerable<int>
+5  A: 

Do you mean, can a constraint also be put on T like where T : interface?

If so, then no: this list pretty much covers your options.

What you have is as close as it gets, I believe.

Out of curiosity, what would be your reason for wanting to constrain T to be an interface?

Or do you mean can a constraint also be put on T for T to implement some specific interface?

If so, then yes: simply have two where clauses (e.g., where S : T where T : U).

Dan Tao
Oh, I was going for this:public static List<T> interfacelist = new List<T>;public static void Add(S input);And yeah, it will work too if T is just a base class but the client should be getting interfaces, not base classes.
Jorge Córdoba