



Currently I am using ckEditor with ckFinder in Symfony. When I save a form the HTML is saved (seemingly so) properly in the database. When I query through symfony and retrieve the results, the html tags are removed and replaced. Can I prevent this? Below is an example of what is in the database. I tried putting in what the HTML Shows but the current eidtor translates it

Database shows:

<p> Test</p> <p> <object classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" codebase=",0,40,0"&gt;&lt;param name="quality" value="high" /><param name="movie" value="/uploads/flash/test1.flv" /><embed pluginspage="" quality="high" src="/uploads/flash/test1.flv" type="application/x-shockwave-flash"></embed></object></p>

Actaul HTML (Note I replaced all ; with __ as the editor was translating it to the the above otherwise):

&lt_p&gt_ Test&lt_/p&gt_ &lt_p&gt_ &lt_object classid=&quot_clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000&quot__ codebase=&quot_,0,40,0&amp;quot_&amp;gt_&amp;lt_param name=&quot_quality&quot_ value=&quot_high&quot_ /&gt_&lt_param name=&quot_movie&quot_ value=&quot_/uploads/flash/test1.flv&quot_ /&gt_&lt_embed pluginspage=&quot_;quot_ quality=&quot_high&quot_ src=&quot_/uploads/flash/test1.flv&quot_ type=&quot_application/x-shockwave-flash&quot_&gt_&lt_/embed&gt_&lt_/object&gt_&lt_/p&gt__

+3  A: 

Hello, you must have automatic output escaping turned on and echo the result of your query in a templates I guess. Read here what automatic output escaping is and how the use of the ESC_RAW constant or of the getRaw() method can help you.
