



I need a intranet portal for a Repair factory in which 100 Technician worked. The main purpose of this portal is "sharing technical information (like technical bulletins etc)".

I also create a simple website/portal with HTML,Javascript. Which is running sucessfully.

But Now we need a Blog like site in which Technician can share own experience/knowledge with other. for this requirement i tried with Joomla,wordpress, drupal etc.

firstly suggest me which platform is best? i have beginning knowledge of PHP, JavaScript and JQuery.


  1. Technician can post a article within one or more defined categaries.(like model,level of information,Electrical or mechnical etc.)
  2. After submitting articles, it sent to the Technical Specialist or Technical Editor for approval.
  3. after approved it puslished to Blog with ranting,commenting option.

Please someone help me. which theme,plug-in is suitable ?

Thanks in Advanced

My native language is "hindi" so there are some grammatical mistake with English.


Take a look at Plone (, I think it fits perfectly for your needs.

Plone lets non-technical people create and maintain information for a public website or an intranet using only a web browser. Plone is easy to understand and use — allowing users to be productive in just half an hour — yet offers a wealth of community-developed add-ons and extensibility to keep meeting your needs for years to come. "

Maciej Kucharz