Im making a DSL in lisp (basically what i think is a nicer syntax), its the same thing as lisp except with different 'primitives', no instead of not, 'as' instead of let.Thus i need to change both indentation and color only in files which end in .goby (it should not effect ones which end in .lisp) So i would like to create files with extension of .goby, and have my new, minor/major mode enabled (but with everything else besides syntax inherited from lisp).
However, whatever i do it also effects .lisp files! Anyone?
For example, I tried to make a local variable for unique lisp indentation which would indent 'hi' by 10 spaces. but it effected all .lisp files also
;;in goby.el
goby-mode lisp-mode "Goby"
"Major mode"
(let ((func #'lisp-indent-function))
(set (make-local-variable 'lisp-indent-function) func)
(put 'hi 'lisp-indent-function 10)))
(provide 'goby)
;;in .emacs
(setq auto-mode-alist
(append auto-mode-alist
'(("\\.gy\\'" . goby-mode))))