





I would like to know if it is possible to copy/move files to a destination based on the origin name.

Basically, I have a /mail folder, which has several subfolders such as cur and new etc. I then have an extracted backup in /mail/home/username that is a duplicate. mv -f will not work, as I do not have permission to overwrite the directories, but only the files within.

I get errors such as mv: cannot overwrite directory `/home/username/mail/username.com'

What I want to do is for each file in the directory username.com, move it to the folder of the same name in /mail. There could be any number of folders in place of username.com, with seperate sub sirectories of their own.

What is the best way to do this?

I have to do it this way as due to circumstances I only have access to my host with ftp and bash via php.

edit: clarification

I think I need to clarify what happened. I am on a shared host, and apparently do not have write access to the directories themselves. At least the main ones such as mail and public_html. I made a backup of ~/mail with tar, but when trying to extract it extracted to ~/mail/home/mail etc, as I forgot about the full path. Now, I cannot simply untar because the path is wrong, and I cannot mv -f because I only have write access to files, not directories.


I'm not entirely clear on what it is that you want to do, but you could try the following:

for file in /mail/*; do
    mv -f $file /home/username/mail/$(basename $file)

This will move every file and subdirectory in /mail from there into /home/username/mail.

Adam Rosenfield
I think that is the reverse of what I want to do? I extracted a mail archive into the mail folder, but it made a subdirectory under mail which I can now not restore, because I cannot overwrite the original directories

For copying, you should consider using cpio in 'pass' mode (-p):

cd /mail; find . -type f | cpio -pvdmB /home/username/mail

The -v is for verbose; -d creates directories as necessary; -m preserves the modification times on the files; -B means use a larger block size, and may be irrelevant here (it used to make a difference when messing with tape devices). Omitted from this list is the -u flag that does unconditional copying, overwriting pre-existing files in target area. The cd command ensures that the path names are correct; if you just did:

find /mail -type f | cpio -pvdmB /home/username

you would achieve the same result, but only by coincidence - because the sub-directory under /home/username was the same as the absolute pathname of the original. If you needed to do:

find /var/spool/mail -type f | cpio -pvdmB /home/username/mail

then the copied files would be found under /home/username/mail/var/spool/mail, which is unlikely to be what you had in mind.

You can achieve a similar effect with (GNU) tar:

(cd /mail; tar -cf - . ) | (cd /home/username/mail; tar -xf - )

This copies directories, not just files. To do that, you need GNU-only facilities:

(cd /mail; find . -type f | tar -cf - -F - ) | (cd /home/username/mail; tar -xf - )

The first solo dash means 'write to stdout'; the second means 'read from stdin'; the '-F' option means 'read the file names to copy from the named file'.

Jonathan Leffler

Is using tar an option? You could tar up the directory, and extract it under /mail/ (for I am assuming that is what you want roughly) with tar overwriting existing files and directories.

That is what I tried, the problem is I can only overwrite files, not directories

I'm a bit confused about what it is exactly that you want to do. But you should be able to use the approach of Adam's solution and redirect the errors to a file.

for file in /mail/*; do
    mv -f $file /home/username/mail/$(basename $file) 2> /tmp/mailbackup.username.errors

DIrectories will not be overwritten and you can check the file so that it only contaions errors you anticipate.

The problem is that I can not overwrite directories, only files, and my mail archive is currently in a subdirectoy of mail. restoring it seems impossible using normal tools.
Yes, but I think if you try something like what I suggest you'll get all the files moved and any error messages from npt being able to overwrite directories will be redirected to the log file.

Can you untar it again? The -P option to tar will not strip leading "/", so the absolute pathnames will be respected. From your edit, it sounds like this'll fix it.

Cirno de Bergerac
I tried that, it gives the error: tar: /home/username/mail: Not found in archive after trying with tar xzvfP ~/new/moremail.tgz ~/mail
Er, that means you only want the item "~/mail" in the archive to be extracted.
Cirno de Bergerac
I used -P in the root directory, and /mail is also in the root directory. It just extracted the folder /home/username/mail, I cannot get it to extract just the mail folder..

Even with your clarification I'm still having a problem understanding exactly what you're doing. However, any chance you can use rsync? The src and dest hosts can be the same host for rsync. As I recall, you can tell rsync to only update files that already exist in the destination area (--existing) and also to ignore directory changes (--omit-dir-times).

Again, I'm not quite understanding your needs here, but rsync is very flexible in backing up files and directories.

Good luck.

Aah, I see you only have access to ftp and bash. Well, nevermind I guess.