



I'm going to be storing a few sensitive pieces of information (SSN, Bank Accounts, etc) so they'll obviously need to be encrypted. What strategies do you recommend?

Should I do all the encryption/decryption in the web app itself? Should I use something like pgcrypto and have the conversions done on the DB side? Something else entirely?

Also, if you think I should do encryption on the web app side, what Python libraries would you recommend?

+1  A: 

What are you protecting against? If attacker would get access to your DB/filesystem, he would find how you decrypt data & keys. Hiding your encription key is not an easy task (and rarely implemented in "usual" applications).

I would spend more time on protecting the server and fixing all general security issues.

I agree, and I'm planning to use a fully managed service to run my production setup for precisely that reason -- I know just enough about linux system administration to know how little I know :)That being said, I'd still like to encrypt the fields. I view it as the same type of activity as locking the doors to your house. It's still pretty easy to break in, but it adds a bit of a deterrent.
Adam Levy
I guess you can also put your key in some wird location, so when blindly copying root of your site, attacker would not get the key.
When you say "AES from standard Python library", what library are you referring to? Does Python ship with a library for AES encryption? Most of the recommendations I've seen are for pycrypto (3rd party).
Adam Levy, actually not in a standard libs, but recommended.