I've been working with S#arp Architecture but this can probably be applied to any DDD architecture (Domain / Core, Application Services, Infrastructure, and Presentation).
There are many ASP.NET MVC examples that show the controller operating on the domain model through repository interfaces. In fact, the S#arp Architecture tutorial has the StaffMembersController referencing IStaffMemberRepository where it calls FindAllMatching (implemented in the repository). The StaffMember entity, also in the domain/core layer, looks like a data bag with properties and minimal validation on the properties.
Let's say you have a controller that is getting bloated with things that look like business concerns. After reading Microsoft's "Designing Business Entities" chapter in Microsoft's Application Architecture Guide, I believe these concerns could be called "Domain Services".
I want to put these domain services in the domain/core layer but I'm not sure where they should go. Should I create a services folder in the domain/core project that hosts interfaces with an implementations folder underneath it? That seems like a good approach, but I want to see how others have handled this.