I have written simple code to determine country location using the suffix on the url eg. .cn, .se, .br etc.
Does anyone have any ideas or even if its possible to determine country or location using urls that end in .com or .net?
I was just reading up on something and found online apps that can determine location/country from the ip so how would I determine the ip or look it up using the url? can I do this in .net?
So I have the following code and I get an exception when the url is invalid or faulty, can anyone help me to catch the error and add the url to another list and continue with my loop.
Public Sub getIpAddress(ByVal querylist As ArrayList)
Dim IPList As New ArrayList
Dim badList As New ArrayList
Dim badHost As String
For Each prod In querylist
Dim ipEntry As IPHostEntry = Dns.GetHostEntry(prod)
Dim IPAdd As IPAddress() = ipEntry.AddressList
Catch ex As Exception
If ex.Message.Contains("No such host is known?") Then
End If
End Try
End Sub