



In our application we use Silverlight on the client-side. It downloads data from the server using WebClient:

WebClient wcGetDataFundSet = new WebClient();
wcGetDataFundSet.OpenReadCompleted += (s, e2) =>
    // Do something with the data.
wcGetDataFundSet.OpenReadAsync(new Uri(this.uriString));

When I open this.uriString in the browser, correct result is displayed. On another developer's machine everything works just fine. On mine delegate doesn't even fire. Tried using "" and some other URLs. It worked, but e2.Result threw an exception of type 'System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException'. Then I changed code to this and it worked:

WebClient wcGetDataFundSet = new WebClient();
wcGetDataFundSet.DownloadStringCompleted += (s, e2) =>
    // Do something with the data.
wcGetDataFundSet.DownloadStringAsync(new Uri(this.uriString));

Windows XP SP3, Visual Studio 2010 and IE 8 on every machine. Do you have any ideas where the problem was? Thanks in advance.