



Hi, When I upload term image when creating new forum topic, it doesn't show on website. Instead there is some random image from exact foolder ... it is changed by another programmer in forum-list.tpl.php file.

There is this:

<div class="forum-item">
    <a href="<?php print $forum->link; ?>">

THIS img->

    <img src="/sites/all/themes/my_theme/img/forum/<?php printf("%02d.png", $pos+1); ?>" />

    <h3><?php print $forum->name; ?></h3>
    <p>Topics: <?php print $forum->num_topics ?></p>
    <p>Posts: <?php print $forum->num_posts ?></p>

I would like to know how does it look as default - so the uploaded term image is shown. I couldn't find it on either drupal forum or documentation. Thanks for help