Ok, here's the javascript, after having run it through jsBeautifier:
(function () {
var a = true,
c = false;
try {
if (!google.doodle) google.doodle = {};
var aa = -1 / 14,
ba = Math.PI / 180,
d = (1 + Math.sqrt(5)) / 2,
e = 1 / 3,
k = 2 / 3,
l = d / 3,
n = 2 * l,
o = [
[-k, -e - n, -l],
[-e, -k - l, -n],
[e, -k - l, -n],
[k, -e - n, -l],
[e, -d, 0],
[-e, -d, 0],
[-l, -k, -e - n],
[-n, -e, -k - l],
[-e - n, -l, -k],
[-k - l, -n, -e],
[-k, -e - n, l],
[-e, -k - l, n],
[e, -k - l, n],
[k, -e - n, l],
[-l, -k, e + n],
[-n, -e, k + l],
[-e - n, -l, k],
[-k - l, -n, e],
[-d, 0, -e],
[-d, 0, e],
[-k, e + n, -l],
[-e, k + l, -n],
[e, k + l, -n],
[k, e + n, -l],
[e, d, 0],
[-e, d, 0],
[-l, k, -e - n],
[-n, e, -k - l],
[-e - n, l, -k],
[-k - l, n, -e],
[-k, e + n, l],
[-e, k + l, n],
[e, k + l, n],
[k, e + n, l],
[-l, k, e + n],
[-n, e, k + l],
[-e - n, l, k],
[-k - l, n, e],
[0, -e, -d],
[0, e, -d],
[l, k, -e - n],
[n, e, -k - l],
[n, -e, -k - l],
[l, -k, -e - n],
[k + l, -n, -e],
[e + n, -l, -k],
[0, -e, d],
[0, e, d],
[l, k, e + n],
[n, e, k + l],
[n, -e, k + l],
[l, -k, e + n],
[k + l, -n, e],
[e + n, -l, k],
[k + l, n, -e],
[e + n, l, -k],
[k + l, n, e],
[e + n, l, k],
[d, 0, -e],
[d, 0, e]
q = [
[0, 1],
[0, 5],
[0, 9],
[1, 2],
[1, 6],
[2, 3],
[2, 43],
[3, 4],
[3, 44],
[4, 5],
[4, 13],
[5, 10],
[6, 7],
[6, 38],
[7, 8],
[7, 27],
[8, 9],
[8, 18],
[9, 17],
[10, 11],
[10, 17],
[11, 12],
[11, 14],
[12, 13],
[12, 51],
[13, 52],
[14, 15],
[14, 46],
[15, 16],
[15, 35],
[16, 17],
[16, 19],
[18, 19],
[18, 28],
[19, 36],
[20, 21],
[20, 25],
[20, 29],
[21, 22],
[21, 26],
[22, 23],
[22, 40],
[23, 24],
[23, 54],
[24, 25],
[24, 33],
[25, 30],
[26, 27],
[26, 39],
[27, 28],
[28, 29],
[29, 37],
[30, 31],
[30, 37],
[31, 32],
[31, 34],
[32, 33],
[32, 48],
[33, 56],
[34, 35],
[34, 47],
[35, 36],
[36, 37],
[38, 39],
[38, 43],
[39, 40],
[40, 41],
[41, 42],
[41, 55],
[42, 43],
[42, 45],
[44, 45],
[44, 52],
[45, 58],
[46, 47],
[46, 51],
[47, 48],
[48, 49],
[49, 50],
[49, 57],
[50, 51],
[50, 53],
[52, 53],
[53, 59],
[54, 55],
[54, 56],
[55, 58],
[56, 57],
[57, 59],
[58, 59]
r, s, t, u, v, z, A, B, da = 0,
C = 0,
D = [],
E = [],
F = [],
G = 0,
H = 0,
I, J = 0,
K = 0,
L = 0,
M = 0,
N = 0,
O = 0,
P = 0,
Q = 0,
R, S = c,
T = c,
U = a,
V, W, ea, fa, ha = function () {
if (S) {
var b = C - 20;
if (Math.abs(b) > 0.01) {
H += -0.5 * b;
H *= 0.6;
C += H;
if (C < 0) C = 0
} else C = 20;
var f = J - L,
g = K - M;
if (b = I && Math.sqrt(J * J + K * K) < 35) {
N += f;
O += g
} else {
if (R) {
Q = Math.min(20, Math.sqrt(f * f + g * g));
P = Math.atan2(g, f)
N += Math.cos(P) * Q;
O += Math.sin(P) * Q;
Q = Math.max(1, Q * 0.97)
var h = N * 0.4;
g = O * 0.4;
N -= h;
O -= g;
f = o;
var i = Math.sqrt(h * h + g * g);
if (i == 0) o = f;
else {
g = g / i;
h = -h / i;
i = i * ba;
var w = 1 - Math.cos(i),
x = Math.sin(i),
j = g * h;
i = 1 + w * (g * g - 1);
j = w * j;
var m = h * x,
y = j,
ka = 1 + w * (h * h - 1),
la = -g * x,
ma = -h * x;
x = g * x;
w = 1 + w * -1;
for (var ca = [], na = 0, p; p = f[na++];) {
g = p[0];
h = p[1];
p = p[2];
ca.push([i * g + j * h + m * p, y * g + ka * h + la * p, ma * g + x * h + w * p])
o = ca
L = J;
M = K;
R = b;
b = o;
f = [];
for (g = 0; h = b[g++];) {
i = 3.8 / (3.8 + h[2]);
f.push([h[0] * i, h[1] * i, i])
b = f;
for (f = 0; i = b[f]; ++f) {
g = i[0] * C;
h = i[1] * C;
j = i[2] * 4;
m = D[f];
m.width = j;
m.height = j;
m.style.left = 143 + g - j / 2 + "px";
m.style.top = 70 + h - j / 2 + "px";
m.style.zIndex = i[2] > 1 ? "4" : "1";
ga(m, i[2]);
T && r.appendChild(m)
T = c;
for (f = 0; g = q[f]; ++f) {
i = b[g[0]];
j = b[g[1]];
if (i && j) {
g = (i[0] + j[0]) / 2 * C;
h = (i[1] + j[1]) / 2 * C;
m = (i[2] + j[2]) / 2;
y = E[f];
y.l((i[0] - j[0]) * C, (i[1] - j[1]) * C);
y.position(g, h);
y.a.style.zIndex = m > 1 ? "3" : "0";
ga(y.a, m)
} else {
f = da++ * aa;
b = 143 + Math.sin(f) * 20;
f = 70 + Math.cos(f) * 20;
B.style.left = b + "px";
B.style.top = f + "px";
if (U && A) {
U = c
F[G].m(b + Math.random() * 2, f + Math.random() * 2);
G = modulo(++G, F.length);
for (b = 0; f = F[b++];) f.i()
X = function () {
if (!S) {
T = S = a;
for (var b = 0, f; f = F[b++];) f.h();
Q = Math.random() * 20;
P = Math.random() * Math.PI
Y = function () {
this.d = this.e = 35;
this.c = c;
this.a = document.createElement("div");
this.a.className = "logo-bond";
this.a.style.background = "url(" + s.src + ")"
Y.prototype.position = function (b, f) {
this.a.style.left = 143 + b - this.e / 2 + "px";
this.a.style.top = 70 + f - this.d / 2 + "px";
if (!this.c) {
this.c = a
Y.prototype.l = function (b, f) {
var g = modulo(-Math.atan2(f, b), Math.PI),
h = Math.PI / 90;
h = Math.round(g / h) * 35;
g = 0 - (35 - this.e) / 2;
h = h - (35 - this.d) / 2;
this.a.style.backgroundPosition = g + "px " + h + "px";
this.e = Math.max(5, Math.abs(b));
this.d = Math.max(5, Math.abs(f));
this.a.style.width = this.e + "px";
this.a.style.height = this.d + "px"
var Z = function () {
this.c = this.g = c;
this.a = document.createElement("div");
this.a.className = "logo-dust"
Z.prototype.m = function (b, f) {
this.g = a;
this.a.style.top = f + "px";
this.a.style.left = b + "px";
this.opacity = 1;
if (!this.c) {
this.c = a
Z.prototype.i = function () {
if (this.g) {
this.opacity -= 0.02;
this.opacity <= 0 ? this.h() : ia(this.a, this.opacity, c)
Z.prototype.h = function () {
this.a.style.display = "none";
this.g = c
var ja = function (b) {
I = a;
J = (b.clientX || b.pageX || 0) - r.offsetLeft - 143;
K = (b.clientY || b.pageY || 0) - r.offsetTop - 70;
t && I && Math.sqrt(J * J + K * K) < 30 && X()
eval("function modulo(a,n){return a" + "%%".charAt(0) + "n;}");
var oa = function () {
var b = document.createElement("img");
b.src = z.src;
b.border = 0;
b.style.position = "absolute";
return b
ia = function (b, f, g) {
b.style.opacity = f;
if (W) if (f < 0.6) {
b.style.filter = "alpha(opacity=" + f * 100 + ")";
if (g) b.style.backgroundImage = "url(" + u.src + ")"
} else {
b.style.filter = "";
if (g) b.style.backgroundImage = "url(" + s.src + ")"
ga = function (b, f) {
var g = f > 1 ? 1 : Math.pow(f, 4);
ia(b, g, a)
google.doodle.init = function () {
if (window.location.href.indexOf("#") == -1) if (r = document.getElementById("hplogo")) if (!fa) {
fa = a;
google.j && google.j.en && $(100, pa, function () {
return google.rein && google.dstr
$(100, qa, function () {
return google.listen && google.browser && google.dom
var $ = function (b, f, g) {
if (g()) f();
else b < 200 && window.setTimeout(function () {
$(b + 1, f, g)
}, b)
pa = function () {
if (!google.doodle.k) {
google.doodle.k = a;
qa = function () {
W = google.browser.engine.IE;
google.listen(document, "mousemove", ja);
for (var b = 0; o[b++];) D.push(oa());
for (b = 0; q[b++];) E.push(new Y);
for (; F.length < 40;) F.push(new Z);
B = oa();
B.width = B.height = 7;
V = window.setInterval(ha, 30);
ea = window.setTimeout(ta, 5E3)
ta = function () {
if (t) X();
else v = a
sa = function () {
z = new Image;
z.onload = function () {
A = a
z.src = "/logos/2010/buckyball10-hp-atom.png";
if (W) {
u = new Image;
u.onload = function () {};
u.src = "/logos/2010/buckyball10-hp-bond-ie.png"
s = new Image;
s.onload = function () {
t = a;
v && X()
s.src = "/logos/2010/buckyball10-hp-bond.png"
ra = function () {
google.unlisten(document, "mousemove", ja);
} catch (ua) {
google.ml(ua, c, {
_sn: "BKY"
Ain't that pretty?