




I created a custom background image and wanted to use it as the background for a layout that has height of wrap_content. However, the total height of the contents of within that layout are much less than the height of the background image.

When I set it as the background in XML via android:background="@drawable/image", I noticed that it displays the entire height of the image, although the height of the actual contents are much shorter.

Is there a way to stop this from happening?



You can convert your background image to 9-patch drawable or use XML bitmap to alter behavior of your image when it is greater then the container. See page for more info about both.

Konstantin Burov
Could you elaborate more on this if using a XML bitmap? I tried using a XML bitmap and used the property android:gravity="top|fill_horizontal|clip_vertical" to see if that will solve the problem, but it still does not.
Well, I didn't tried XML bitmap for the case like yours, but the options look promising. The 9-patch way will work for sure -- I've used that already.
Konstantin Burov
Hmm. I've tried all of the options that might help, but I think I may be doing something wrong. I've searched everywhere online and nobody seems to be having this problem...
Then try 9-patch :)
Konstantin Burov