i start using NaiveBayes/Simple classifier for classification (Weka), however i have some problems to understand while training the data. The data set i'm using is weather.nominal.arff.
While i use use training test from the options, the classifier result is :
Correctly Classified Instances 13 - 92.8571 %
Incorrectly Classified Instances 1 - 7.1429 %
a b classified as
9 0 a =yes
1 4 b = no
My first question what should i understand from the incorrect classified instances? Why such a problem occurred? which attribute collection is classified incorrect? is there a way to understand this?
Second when i try the 10 fold cross validation, why i get different (less) correctly classified instances?
the results are:
Correctly Classified Instances 8 57.1429 %
Incorrectly Classified Instances 6 42.8571 %
a b <-- classified as
7 2 | a = yes
4 1 | b = no