



I have been using Django for web-development, and have become quite fond of that framework. However, I would like to use a similar framework but for more general network applications. Is there such a framework? Or is it possible to modify Django to be able to have a more general network/protocol backend?

+3  A: 

Twisted should be able to help you. Take a look at Twisted projects and decide on the protocol which you are going to use.

Keerthi Ramalingam
Twisted seems to be a good general network framework, but I also want a template engine and an ORM framework too, and I like those parts in Django. For the template engine I found Jinja which seems like a good match, but I still haven't found an ORM framework as simple as the one in Django.
Joachim Pileborg
In terms of simplicity i found Storm to be on par with Django. Review this thread Autumn seems to be much simpler but pathetic documentation. Your best bet would be to go with Storm.
Keerthi Ramalingam
I have looked into the named framworks, and at the moment it looks like I will be using Twisted for network, Storm for ORM and Jinja2 for templating.
Joachim Pileborg