



I'm working on OS X 10.6.4. I've been using clbuild to install supporting libraries for SBCL (including clsql), and I do all my work through Aquamacs. I installed MySQL using the excellent instructions over at Hive Logic. But when I call (require 'clsql) -- which seems to work fine -- and then try to execute (clsql:connect '(nil "lisp" "root" "") :database-type :mysql) to connect to my local running database, I get this error message:

erred while invoking #<COMPILE-OP (:VERBOSE NIL) {12096109}> on
#<CLSQL-MYSQL-SOURCE-FILE "clsql_mysql" {1208E071}>
   [Condition of type ASDF:OPERATION-ERROR]

From my research of this problem, I think it comes from me not having a compiled version of the libmysqlclient.dylib file, of which I have a copy in /usr/local/mysql/lib/, but I'm not clear on how to go about compiling it. This forum post seems to say that's exactly what I need to do, but there's no make file in that directory.