


What software do you suggest to check spelling of comments contained in c/c++ source code (especially doxygen comments)? I'm looking something that will parse only comments so I can easily find mistakes and correct them. The question is general but to be more specific - I'm using CodeLite IDE.
+3  A: 

Emacs has ispell-comments-and-strings which works pretty well from inside the editor. It relies on the syntax highlighting mechanism to identify comments and strings, so it works with any language for which you have good highlighting.

No idea if how you make it work with your IDE.


A good place to check doxygen comments seems to be doxygen itself. But it doesn't check spelling :?.

Quick, workaround that comes to my mind which may work I think, is to generate LaTeX output and then use LaTeX for spell checking. Another soultion might be use of doxygen's Perl Module output format and write some code in Perl for spell checking (with Aspell or Ispell for example).

With an IDE it's much simplier, because any decent IDE should support spell checking for doc-comments (Eclipse CDT is an example)
