




Greetings all,

Using Visual Basic 2008 Express Edition

2 PCs are involved:

PC1 has VBEE and Excel 2007 installed PC2 (target machine) does not have VBEE installed, and has Excel 2000

What I am trying to accomplish is to build an app on PC1 to use on PC2.

Of course, when I reference the 12.0 library during the build and then try to run using 9.0 on the target machine, I get a "can't find 12.0 object library" message. Also, I can't use late binding (as shown below): PC2's security settings apparently prohibit this...

    Dim objExcel As Object 'Excel.Application
    Dim objWB As Object 'Excel.Workbook
    Dim objWS As Object 'Excel.Worksheet
    Dim objRng As Object 'Excel.Range

        'Try to Open Excel, Add a workbook and worksheet
        objExcel = CreateObject("Excel.Application") 'New Excel.Application


So, is there any way to add reference to Excel 9.0 without it actually being installed on the same machine as VBEE?

Is there any other way around this?

Thanks much!