



I'm wondering if someone could point me out in the right direction. I need to capture e-mails as they are received and/or sent via Microsoft exchanged.

I need to capture typical information such as from, to, subject, body, date send/received, conversation id, etc.... but I also need to capture attachments if any and also if possible convert the body of the email as a rtf/doc or some other type in order to keep any formatting that may have been included in the actual e-mail.

I've read (and will continue to read for now) various post suggesting capturing directly from pop3 which is not to hard to do from what I understand but I really want to ensure that these e-mails are captured and I thought the safest bet was to capture them directly from exchange.

How can I ensure that exchange will not start downloading email at the same time as I'm looking at the pop3 account and emails will be skipped?

Also how do I capture e-mail sent to an exchange server? The same query as above, but this time in regards to sent e-mail. How do I ensure that these will be captured once they are sent? SMTP?

I'd like to be able to do this in C# or, which ever you know will do and also if you know a very good third-party tools, please recommended as well.