



As I recall, WP7 supports C# but does not support any of the .Net dynamic languages (Ruby or Python). Are any other programming languages besides C# supported? Could an app be developed using Boo?

+1  A: 

If you can compile it down to a .NET CF assembly, you could probably hack it to work - there's nothing explicitly stopping other languages from being used.

Paul Betts


Russel Yang
I think though, languages that require the DLR will not be "verifiable" until a later time.
Kevin Rood
+4  A: 

F# is supported on the phone. The templates are not baked into Visual Studio yet but are available from this blog entry by Don Syme

+4  A: 

Officially, only C# is supported so far. Unofficially, any language that can compile to a verifiable managed assembly (the verifiability requirement applies to all dependencies, too!) is good - so you should be able to use e.g. C++/CLI, F#, Delphi Prism...

Pavel Minaev
Don't forget support for LOLCode
Mick N
Actually, not really - you cannot use C++/CLI due to the dependency restrictions and targeted platforms.
Dennis Delimarsky
C++/CLI does not have any dependencies if used in `/clr:safe` mode (but then, of course, you don't get the full C++ language, nor the runtime library). As well, it outputs pure IL in that mode. So it should work.
Pavel Minaev
This is a comprehensive and accurate answer to the OP. Some links to known demonstrations ie vb, f#, etc wouldn't go astray. and
Mick N
+3  A: 

Currently, officially supported is C#. In the medium term (although no time frame officially announced) will be full support for VB.Net & F#. In the longer term will be official support for dynamic languages (IronRuby & IronPython) - although expect a restriction in what you can do with these languages due to marketplace restrictions.

The CTP of the Visual Basic tools are now available from

Matt Lacey