I am using a TTStyledTextLabel in my project to parse the hyperlinks, it all works fine. The only problem I am facing is to truncate a long text - show ellipses if the text does not fit in the bounds of TTStyledTextLabel.
In other terms, I need the same behavior as a UILabel which adds ellipses to indicate that some text is clipped. I have searched in TTStyledTextLabel and TTStyledText classes, there is no provision to achieve this. The following is the code which I have used in my UITableViewCell subclass to set the frame of TTStyledTextLabel appropriately:
-(void) layoutSubviews
[super layoutSubviews];
CGSize maxSize = CGSizeMake(self.contentView.frame.size.width -TEXT_OFFSET_WIDTH, TT_TEXT_MAX_HEIGHT);
[[[self textLabelTTStyled] text] setWidth:maxSize.width];
[[self textLabelTTStyled] sizeToFit];
double heigthForTTLabel = [[[self textLabelTTStyled] text] height];
if (heigthForTTLabel > maxSize.height)
heigthForTTLabel = maxSize.height; // Do not exceed the maximum height for the TTStyledTextLabel.
**// The Text was supposed to clip here when maximum height is set!**
CGSize mTempSize = CGSizeMake([[[self textLabelTTStyled] text] width], heigthForTTLabel);
CGRect frame = CGRectMake(TEXT_OFFSET_X,TEXT_OFFSET_Y,mTempSize.width, mTempSize.height);
self.textLabelTTStyled.frame = frame;
And in the -tableView:cellForRowAtIndexPath:
I am setting text like this to my TTStyledTextLabel:
TTStyledText *styledStatusMessage = [TTStyledText textFromXHTML:@"This is a really long text, how long can this go on? This is a really long text, how long can this go on? This is a really long text, how long can this go on? This is a really long text, how long can this go on? This is a really long text, how long can this go on? This is a really long text, how long can this go on?"
lineBreaks:YES URLs:YES];
if (nil==styledStatusMessage)
styledStatusMessage = [TTStyledText textWithURLs:[statusMessage title] lineBreaks:YES];
[[cell textLabelTTStyled] setText:styledStatusMessage];
The excessive text is simply being discarded, the ellipses are not added by default to indicate that text is clipped. Any solutions to this problem?
Thanks, Raj