



Hey SO, I recently had two phone interviews for a Junior C++ Engineer position; the first was a general screening interview, the second a more technical one. So far the company has made it clear that while they do want you to be familiar with OOP, specifically knowing a ton of C++ is not required, for example if you mainly did Java, that would be fine as long as you knew enough C++. On the second phone interview they asked me about my background and about a program I had written in the past.

Now, I have a third, in-person, interview a week from today. In it I will have an hour to write a C++ program, which they detail for me. It will be open note/book. To be honest, I have not had much experience in C++ at all, but I am a very fast learner, and pick up on things very quickly. Thus, for the next week I need to spend the large majority of my time learning C++ syntax, and writing sample programs. The problem I have is what type of programs to write. In the job description they said I should be familiar with data structures, memory allocation, and polymorphism (familiar with, not proficient in), so perhaps the program I have to write will involve this.

Thus, my question; based on all of this, what would you guys recommend I spend the next week studying to write sample programs. What concepts should I work with for sure? What concepts do you think may be included, but would have less of chance? What would be the best resources you know of for learning to write in C++ syntax in a short amount of time?

Any advice you can give me would be much appreciated.

  • Memory allocation and deallocation (avoiding memory leaks).
  • Pass by reference, pass by value.
  • Simple pointer math.

I'm many years rusty on C++, but those are three that I'd expect to get hit with.

Dean J

As they have specified that hard core C++ is not needed, I guess mainly the programs will be based on the data structures and the algorithms. Also in one hour they can not ask any complex programs involving the graphs, heaps etc. So my suggestion is to look for the medium level puzzle type of programs. E.g. finding if the two circular lists are equal or not, finding the height of the binary tree, knapsack problem something like that.

Manoj R