




I am trying to set the uploadpaths for all of the RadEditor File Managers to the same absolute file path, and also share the same path across a couple of Solutions on the same machine.

So, I wrote a method to get the path from the Web.Config and set all the Properties on the FileManagerDialogConfiguration objects (UploadPaths, ViewPaths, etc). The problem is these properties are looking for Virtual Paths, and full paths don't work.

How can I supply the properties with the Virtual Path of a folder that may/may not be in the same Solution?

This didn't work:

private static FileManagerDialogConfiguration fixPaths(FileManagerDialogConfiguration f, String[] path)
    if (path[0][0] != '~')
        Uri basePath = new Uri(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["veMainPath"]);
        Uri absPath = new Uri(path[0]);
        Uri relPath = basePath.MakeRelativeUri(absPath);
        path[0] = relPath.LocalPath;

    f.ViewPaths = path;
    f.UploadPaths = path;
    f.DeletePaths = path;
    f.MaxUploadFileSize = 10485760;
    return f;