



I am using jtemplates with jquery and getting an error when I try to use tables in the template.

Following is working

 {#foreach $T as record}

but the following does not work and gives error $T.record is undefined in firebug

<table border="1">
{#foreach $T as record}

Following is how I am calling template with some data

$(document).ready(function() {
    var data = [
                  { ID: 1, FirstName: 'Anne', Email: '[email protected]' },
                  { ID: 2, FirstName: 'Amelie', Email: '[email protected]' },
                  { ID: 3, FirstName: 'Polly', Email: '[email protected]' },
                  { ID: 4, FirstName: 'Alice', Email: '[email protected]' },
                  { ID: 5, FirstName: 'Martha', Email: '[email protected]' }


Any help in resolving this is greatly appreciated.


I'll take a stab at it, give this a try:

{#template MAIN}
<table border="1">
        <th>First Name</th>
    {#foreach $T as record}
        {#include ROW root=$T.record}
{#/template MAIN}

{#template ROW}
{#/template ROW}

If you are still having trouble I would recommend that you put the template in an external html file and use it like this:

Randall Kwiatkowski
Thanks Randall. I am seeing the results correctly in IE 8 but not in Firefox and chrome. Any ideas why that might me.
Check my updated answer. Also are there any errors in Firefox and Chrome?
Randall Kwiatkowski

The error was coming due to my placement of template itself. When I placed the template in a block like this

<script id="templateHolder" type="text/html">
    <!-- Template itself -->

templates rendered correctly.


I'm having the same problem. As user198552 I get wrong list orders in chrome 7.0.517.41 but IE 8 (8.0.7600.1685) and Firefox v3.6.11 are working fine.

I have the template on a separate file and the template is rendered on a div.

There are no javascripts error in chrome.

Any idea?

J. Morris