



code inside php file:

$variable1 = array( 'variable1' => "$variable1" );
      $variable2 = array( 'variable2' => "$variable2" );
            echo json_encode ($variable1);

code inside main page:

<span id="variable1"></span>
<span id="variable2"></span>

I am trying to make it so it echos both variables in their spans. doing 2 echos does not work, but the single as coded above works

using the jquery form plugin for this.


If the PHP is fetched w AJAX, then you must create one JSON object with both variables:

    // The PHP page

    $variable = array( 'variable1' => "$variable1", 
                       'variable2' => "$variable2" );

    // One JSON for both variables
    echo json_encode($variable);

And then on the main page, you can access the JSON object and display data from it inside your spans. You can do this as I illustrate, but however you do it, if you put the returned JSON in data then you can access the 2 variables with data.variable1 and data.variable2.... like this:

$.getJSON('yourPath/yourPage.php', function(data) {

    // Inside your success callback:



Of course, if you're on the same page, you can use pure PHP:

    $variable = array( 'variable1' => "$variable1",
                       'variable2' => "$variable2" );


<span id="variable1"><?php echo $variable["variable1"]; ?></span>
<span id="variable2"><?php echo $variable["variable2"]; ?></span> 
Peter Ajtai