



If a branch is created in source control, what version number should be used if there is a release of the branched code?

eg. If the last version number was v1.2.8 and a branch is created, what should the next version numbers of the branch and the main trunk be?

+1  A: 

It depends what the branch is for (what development effort it isolate, as described in "When should you branch")

For instance, for a fix which doesn't add any new feature, it could be v1.2.9.
But actually the version number policies are :

The important thing to remember is that a label like vx.y.z can be generated on any branch. It simply marks a stable point in the development life-cycle.

Ok, so as long as the developers are aware of what the version numbers mean, then it's OK?
Craig Johnston
@Craig: yes, it is ok, provided its meaning fits the development effort isolated in said branch.
@VonC: if it is just a minor bug-fix/upgrade then shouldn't it just be an increment of the last number: ie. v1.2.10 ?
Craig Johnston
@Craig: but you mentioned in your question '`v1.2.8`'... hence my increment: '`v1.2.9`'
yes, my mistake.
Craig Johnston