I have a small program to order and sort email messages, outputting to a textfile using $msg->decoded->string
. The perl program outputs to stdout
, and I redirect it to a txt file. However, gedit is unable to open this text file because of a character set problem, and I would like to know how to restore or set a character set with perl.
The program is now thus:
use warnings;
use strict;
use Mail::Box::Manager;
open (MYFILE, '>>data.txt');
my $file = shift || $ENV{MAIL};
my $mgr = Mail::Box::Manager->new(
access => 'r',
my $folder = $mgr->open( folder => $file )
or die "$file: Unable to open: $!\n";
for my $msg ( sort { $a->timestamp <=> $b->timestamp } $folder->messages)
my $to = join( ', ', map { $_->format } $msg->to );
my $from = join( ', ', map { $_->format } $msg->from );
my $date = localtime( $msg->timestamp );
my $subject = $msg->subject;
my $body = $msg->decoded->string;
# Strip all quoted text
$body =~ s/^>.*$//msg;
print MYFILE <<"";
From: $from
To: $to
Date: $date
However I get the same problem that I am unable to open the file with gedit, even though it works with vi or such. If there are non unicode characters in the file, would this break it?