




I've been learning Scala with the Odersky/Venners book using Scala 2.7. Now I'd want to jump to 2.8, but people are saying that there are a lot of changes and some of them are not backwards compatible. This sounds like a big headache unless there is a nice book out there covering the new version of the language. So does such book exist?

+4  A: 

Dean Wampler and Alex Payne's printed book Programming Scala covers an old version.

However, it appears that the online version which has been released under Creative Commons covers the 2.8 features:


That's probably your best reference.

+4  A: 

The one book I am followin from O’Reilly Media is really good and have good coverage on 2.8. Online version is here.

Teja Kantamneni
+2  A: 

One of the biggest changes (and the original motivation for Scala 2.8) is the collections library. A good article and a thorough reference (both by Martin Odersky) are worth reading.
