




I'm using File::Copy::Recursive::dircopy( $original_dirname, $new_dirname ) or die $!; to copy a read-only directory from within a Perl script. I get a Permission denied error.

I can see that $new_dirname is created, but is marked as read only (like the original directory). Maybe this prevents from the content to be copied into it?..

+5  A: 

Yes, this definitely seems to be a bug in File::Copy::Recursive. A temporary work around is to set $File::Copy::Recursive::KeepMode to 0 and do the chmod yourself.

It appears to have already been reported and the author is working on a fix, but it was coming "soon" on 2009-05-20 and "this weekend" on 2010-04-14.

Chas. Owens
+1 Thank you Chas.
David B