




I want create a UserControl that is similar to the MS Outlook 2010 recipient TextBox.

As I have never done something similar before I would need some good input/ideas how to achieve that. Just some guidance that I can walk along the route...

My requirements are this:

Enter the name of a guest like "Ro...." and I got suggested "Robert" (whole name is selected) then I confirm the suggestion with ENTER-Key and I get "Robert,". Next I enter "Sa..." and get Sally...confirm...get "Sally,". At the end I have a list of delimited guests/strings like "Robert, Sally,"

The order of the names must not be changed by the user and I have to backup somehow the Id`s of the names for updating database which guests are invited on which meeting etc..

A guest's name needs to be selected + removeable. But it must not be possible to remove a part of a guest's name!

When the user clicks into the TextBox inside a name the whole Text/guest`s name must be selected.

yes I know this link:

there is only 1 answer and not even a solution. So I hope for more/different input. And already the first answer in that thread is wrong:

quote:"High level behaviour:

the type of data in your control is a list of items which aren't selectable."

The email adresses ARE selectable. So a ItemsControl is probably no solution for me...

Make me happy and you get the solution :)