



Suppose you have the following C code

 unsigned char a = 1;

 printf("%d\n", ~a); // prints -2
 printf("%d\n", a); // prints 1

I am surprised to see -2 printed as a result of ~1 conversion:

Opposite of 0000 0001

is 1111 1110 --> anything but -2

What am i missing here? please advise

+8  A: 
+4  A: 

%d stands for signed decimal number, not unsigned. So your bit pattern, even though it is stored in an unsigned variable, is interpreted as a signed number.

See this Wikipedia entry on signed number representations for an understanding of the bit values. In particular see Two's complement.

Brian R. Bondy
But in a call to a varargs function an `unsigned char` is more usually promoted to an `int` than an `unsigned int` so `%d` is likely to be the correct format specification in this case.
Charles Bailey
But `unsigned char` is promoted to `int` before the bitwise negation takes place. You'd have to cast back to `unsigned char` afterwards for it to work as desired.

One (mildly humorous) way to think of signed maths is to recognize that the most significant bit really represents an infinite number of bits above it. So in a 16-bit signed number, the most significant bit is 32768+65536+131072+262144+...etc. which is 32768*(1+2+4+8+...) Using the standard formula for a power series, (1+ X + X^2 + X^3 +...) = 1/(1-X), one discovers that (1+2+4+8+...) is -1, so the sum of all those bits is -32768.
