



Morning All,

Previously I have been using

$("#WebPartWPQ2 .ms-formtable tr:contains('lblName')> td").toggleClass('changedetails'); 

to customise a sharepoint list form, this has worked fine, (I have looked into alternative solutions to improve performance before but seem to achieve similar results)

Is there a selector for <nobr> in jquery

I have this working although I need it to match exactly rather than match if "contains".

$("#WebPartWPQ2 .ms-formlabel nobr:contains('Change Owner')").toggleClass('changedetails');

Thanks in advance Gary

+2  A: 

You can combine it with .filter() to check an exact match, like this:

$("#WebPartWPQ2 .ms-formlabel nobr").filter(function() {
  return $.text([this]) === "Change Owner";

The $.text() call is calling jQuery.text directly (calling Sizzle really), rather than making a new jQuery object for each <nobr> we're checking.

Nick Craver
Thanks Nick i will give this a go.
Hi Nick,I'm afraid this does not seem to work, there are no errors indicated in the JavaScript console, so it appears to just be missing the cells. Any ideas? Many Thanks
@Gary - What does your markup look like?
Nick Craver
Apologies Nick I now have it working, thank you :)