



I need a compressed minified prototype file. Can anyone help me?


+1  A: 

Google does not hurt:

Tomasz Kowalczyk
Right, but it's not minified.
T.J. Crowder
is it really worth downvoting? tha fact, that Google has it in its CDN is more valuable than minifying.
Tomasz Kowalczyk
i think a downvote is a bit harsh but maybe you should have explained your reasoning for a non-minified version when the OP stated he wanted one
If you have it minified, user downloads fewer data. If you have it in broadly accessible CDN, user probably downloads nothing. Any questions?
Tomasz Kowalczyk
I'm not seeing any downvotes (now), presumably whoever it was reconsidered. Would **definitely** have been harsh to downvote this.
T.J. Crowder
now it has positive value, but was -1 at the time ;] thanks, whoever voted up ;]
Tomasz Kowalczyk
@Tomasz: If you click the number, you can see the actual number of up- and down-votes. In this case, it's +1 and -0, so whoever voted down realised their mistake.
T.J. Crowder
AFAIK these numbers are visible 1k+ rep, so I need 10 more to see this ;]
Tomasz Kowalczyk
+1  A: 

As far as I'm aware, there's no official or hosted minified build of Prototype. You can run it through jsmin easily enough, but then you have to host it yourself. Or as Tomasz pointed out, you can use the unminified (but gzipped) version from Google's CDN.

T.J. Crowder
+1 for jsmin - thats my solution too