



For training purposes I created a simple silverlight 4 application which uses ADO.NET Entity Data Model and a Domain Service Class to connect to an SQL Express database to query it.

The database is fully accesible in the dev mode if I run the application from the Visual Studio 2010 but after deploying it on a server the database connections fail everytime with error message: Load operation failed for query ... Argumentst: NotFound.

Googling haven't gave me any help. I suspect I am missing something in my IIS6 settings, but what? My database has NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE setup for the database so I assumed the IIS requests should go through, but they don't.

Please help. V


The solution to this problem was very simple: always check the text of inner exeptions :-) for clues. When you build a database accessing appl and run it from a dev machine, all of your services reference localhost, but when you deploy it should reference yourservername:port. So, simply CTRL+H localhost:port to yourservername:port, then publish and enjoy the ride. Cheers and thanks for help and clues. Val
