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I have an aspx page (c# application), which i have to link to the new link created under documents. How to create a new link and map it to new seperate aspx page Please guide me


The way to add a new link depends on whether you have the publishing features enabled or not.

If you have, you go to site actions / site settings / modify all site settings. Under look and feel, there should be a 'Navigation' link that brings you to a page where you can add a link to your application.

If you don't, you go to site actions / site settings and search for the link 'Quick launch' under look and feel.

Tom Vervoort
where to place the aspx page and the dll
There are several options. The easiest is this one: register your assembly in the GAC (you'll need to sign it first) and put your aspx file in the layouts folder. Ideally you'll create a subfolder there. For example: C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\web server extensions\12\TEMPLATE\LAYOUTS\MyCustomPages\MyPage.aspx. Then your page is available to every site in SharePoint. If you have a site then your page can be found on
Tom Vervoort
Btw: the best way to deploy this would be to create a sharepoint solution package. I'm not going to explain how to create one here, it's well documented on MSDN:
Tom Vervoort