



I'm working on a website and part of it's code (jQuery related) was written by another programmer. Now in IE7 some links look like this (at least that's what Developer Tools shows me):

<a href="#" id="id1" jQuery1284452043889="13">some link</a>
<a href="#" id="id2" jQuery1284452043889="14">some link</a>

I'm not good at JS, so could you please tell me what those additional jQuery attributes mean? What are they needed for?

Thank you!


Thats simply jQuery making its presence felt, nothing you as a regular developer should either worry or care about.

Kristoffer S Hansen
+1  A: 

Its a jQuery Expando attribute.

This stackoverflow answer explains it quite nicely

James Wiseman
Good find! It's really a duplicate of that question.
Yeah, My google searches included 'jqueryxxxxxxxxxxxxx', 'jqueryx', 'jqueryxx' and 'jqueryxxx'. Agreed its a dumplicate, so have voted to close.
James Wiseman