



Is it possible to publish a web application without visual studio ?

If i got all my file on a compiling server without visual studio, is it possible to compile my files with command promp or something like that ?

+2  A: 

You will need ASP.NET Compilation Tool (Aspnet_compiler.exe)

Kirill Muzykov
This is correct if the goal is to precompile the code-behinds. Whether that's the goal is a bit unclear, though. And, even so, it still uses `csc.exe` (for C# code).
Steven Sudit
I thought of Web application as of a project is compiled into a single assembly. I've used this kind in VS 2003 or VS 2005, then you have an assembly with a business logic and all that stuff you usually put in App_Code in web site. Then you just call aspnet_compiler.exe on the directory and get a distributable fully compiled output. But it was a long time ago and I can be wrong.
Kirill Muzykov
I don't think you're wrong (so I'm not sure why you were downvoted), but I do think the original question is somewhat ambiguous.
Steven Sudit
Yep, a bit more of details would definitely helped to answer.
Kirill Muzykov


msbuild .\Project.sln


msbuild .\Project.Web.csproj /p:AllowUntrustedCertificate=True /t:MsDeployPublish /;DeployIisAppPath="YourIISSiteName";username=YourAdminUser;password=YourAdminPassword

(msbuild.exe is located in your .NET framework location. i.e. C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319)

Kirk Woll
Will this work equally well for web apps and web sites (the two project types, I mean).
Steven Sudit