Ok, so I'm trying to figure out how to go from hexadecimal encryption to string and back, but for some reason the when I encrypt, i'm not getting the same password that was passed in, but its close...weird right? I'm sure my syntax is wrong somewhere. Help?
Here's a link to test a little random password. I've set 'pw' as the hexadecimal version and pass that in: view demo
$encoded = (string)$_GET['pw'];
$literals = explode(' ', wordwrap($encoded, 2, ' ', 2));
$password = '';
for ($i = 0; $i < count($literals); $i++) {
$password .= chr(hexdec($literals[$i]) - $i);
echo $password . '<br />';
print_r($literals) . '<br />';
$passarray = str_split($password);
echo '<pre>';
echo '</pre>';
for($i = 0; $i < count($passarray); $i++) {
$newpassword .= bin2hex($passarray[$i]);
echo $newpassword;
.I'm actually not trying to "encrypt" for security per se...I'm actually trying to automate the creation of Dreamweaver Site Definition files and this is the "encryption" they use to semi-hide the password. I can do this already by copying the file and inserting different usernames, but I'd like to issue and new password each time as well. just FYI