




I'm trying to export data to csv format. I use ExtJS 3.2.1 The code is as follows:

this.getEl (). child ('a', true). href = 'data: text / csv; filename = datos.csv; charset = UTF-8 2CPrice% Company% 2CChange% 2C% 25% 20Change% 2CLast% 20Updated% 0d% 0a3m% 20Co, 71.72,0.02,0.03, Wed% 20Sep% 2001% 202010% 2000% 3A00% 3A00% 20GMT% 2B0200% 20 (CET)% 0d% 0aAlcoa% 20Inc, 29.01,0.42,1.47, Wed % 20Sep% 2001% 202010% 2000% 3A00% 3A00% 20GMT% 2B0200% 20 (CET) '

I'm using firefox and always generates a file with the extension .part Why is putting the browser extension .part? Thank you.


.part is the name given to partially downloaded files no?

what server side tech are you using? i'd seriously consider doing the export server side - this is not a browser concern - you will probably need to re-gen the dataset but you'll have a lot more control and less fudd.

If you're using .net I have some code that might help - it uses the OOXML library from MS and uses the extjs grid config to generate and XLS - with exactly the same attributes (same grouping, columns, sorting etc).
