




I've begun reading an excellent book on ASP.NET MVC 2 by Manning Press. In the early part of the book, the authors imply understanding ASP.NET 3.5/4.0 is good for building ASP.NET MVC 2 concepts on top. I am an intermediate developer - should I cover ASP.NET first or can I get by ?



+1  A: 

Go for it as you are now. Yes, it would help to have a background in ASP.NET WebForms, but you'll do fine just keeping in mind that there is this other 'thing' out there which is going to be referenced a lot as you read about ASP.NET MVC.

Andrew Barber
+3  A: 

No doubt, You can directly go for MVC but if you have knowledge of general then it will be very help full to you in MVC. because availability of help and tuts for general application is much higher than MVC.

Rajesh Rolen- DotNet Developer

The biggest advantage would be knowing C# or VB.NET. ASP.Net and MVC are yet very different in how to use it. but also have similarities. if you want to study MVC, you don't need to learn at first, because it'll only confuse you. and it is not very nescesary.

The things you'll learn or should learn to make a good/great MVC application are C#, Linq and jQuery.

ofcourse this is just my opinion.

+2  A: 

Knowing HTML, JavaScript, CSS and obviously C# or VB is all you need to be a kickass MVC developer. It also helps to know some stuff about how a webserver works internally when you want to do some more advanced stuff.

But ASP.NET Webforms on it's own? No you don't need that knowledge AT ALL to start developing in MVC.

+1  A: 

You'll pick plenty of some bad habits if you learn by itself. Some devs have trouble unlearning those when moving to MVC.

imho learning it in the context of MVC should reduce those. Can't really tell for sure, since I worked with since 1.0, so I knew it pretty well before moving to MVC.

@eglasius: well i dont agree on the long run. if you want to be a decent developer you need to know the underling technologies. and is not rocket science ;-) – Yves M

I think that's actually an argument for not learning by itself. I've seen devs learn and not knowing much of the underlying technologies, and imho MVC makes a much better job at encouraging you to know about http, html, css, ajax, etc.

Dig into the pieces of that you work with in / Session, Cache, anything that you end up using. Not much point in learning about aspx syntax and controls, if you will go with a different View Engine. Also there are some parts of the control lifecycle that's just noise when you are just working with aspx/ascx in MVC.

Gathering prior knowledge for LINQ, WCF and ADO.NET data services, JSON, Entity Framework, etc. (part of .NET 3.5/4.0 framework) can help you tremendously when you advance towards the ASP.NET MVC development path. At least that is my opinion. – Dick Lampard

Definitely. You are more likely to learn JSON by going into MVC than by going web forms. When learning you risk further obscuring data access in the learning experience by using the Data Source controls (we didn't had those in 1.0 :)). As for the rest, those are more neutral pieces of the framework, you could be developing desktop applications and be learning those. I agree with the thinking that knowing those are skills that transfer very well, but you don't need to go to to learn those / doing so in the context of MVC is perfectly ok.

I started by just learning MVC without ASP.NET experience and I think it worked out better this way. MVC forces you to understand the underlying concepts - HTTP, HTML, JavaScript, CSS. Webforms tries to hide those concepts from you so you'll just end up being confused I recon.
Jaco Pretorius

Do you need to know ASP.NET WebForms? No, because you'll be using MVC for your presentation. Would it be useful to know all the other bits that are in ASP.NET? Absolutely.

You should think of ASP.NET as a whole platform - WebForms and MVC are only two pieces, there's lots of other pieces of functionality built into the platform that are useful regardless of your presentation technology - membership, caching etc. Those presentation-agnostic pices are what you should concentrate on.
