




First, there is a similar question on this but was asked 2 years ago, and I know that new players are in the arena now.

We need a CSM with the following characteristics:

  • Has Forum Module and is integrated with the Membership provider of the CMS (the don't want the user to login twice on CMS and on Forum)
  • Free/Cheap (the final client doesn't want any logo of the CMS)
  • Simple interface to add content/pages
  • Easy to integrate design into

P.S. I already installed N2 and Kooboo with Forum, but both are crashing We also used DNN some years ago, really nice, but when it came to integrating the design, it was extremely difficult to do integrate even simple things.

Thank you


You can check AxCMS.NET (it's free, but not Open Source).

But "some years ago" is a very long time - so take another look at DNN. As for skinning: consider sourcing it out if you find it "extremely difficult", because you may find the alternatives hard to tackle as well.
